Longplain Peppered with Shot -- "Pepper"
(Longplain Z-Sting ex
Longplain Kanake)
Longplain Astronus -- "Cody"
(Longplain Double Hutch ex
U-CH Longplain Solis Orta)
Longplain Boone and Crockett -- "Boone"
(GRCH Longplain Vortex ex
Longplain Event
2007-2008 hunting season
Joe Allegretti writes: Hunting season began with another very successful
dove opener. Nearly two dozen hunters bagged nearly 500 birds on the long
Opening Weekend. It was very hot, hotter than normal, so Pepper saw limited
action. Boone was still at finishing school, it would be another
month before he would get to come home. Cody joined us on days two and three,
retrieving limits of dove for Steve Manser, who kept Cody cool by hunting
next to a pond.
I made five trips to our farm last season to dove hunt, eight hunting
days in all, each time shooting limits. My youngest daughter, Melanie, shot
her first limit of dove during one of those secondary hunts. Pepper made
numerous water retrieves over the large pond on several of those hunts. During
the second dove season, it was Boone who was called to duty to make retrieves
in the water, retrieving his first duck, shot by my son, Anthony. Boone also
got his first taste of dove on that trip, displaying excellent marking
abilities. |
Our annual trip to the
Company in North Dakota was another success. It was 70 degrees the day
we arrived, but the temperatures cooled down quite nicely while we were hunting.
Pepper did great, flushing and retrieving dozens of pheasants. Boone was
somewhat confused, not used to all of the scent and heavy cover. I was somewhat
disappointed, but remembered how Ammo and Pepper were on their first trips
to North Dakota and that they became excellent pheasant dogs.
A DFG pheasant hunt in Gorman saw Boone perform admirably; he flushed
the planted roosters out of cover he was used to-sage brush. Melanie, Anthony,
and I all bagged roosters that hunt, with Melanie shooting her first
pheasant. |
Our annual goose trip to Nevada saw no geese fall, but we did bag several
ducks. Boone retrieved several ducks from the icy slough. My nephews bagged
their first ducks on this trip. |
It was a great hunting season; unfortunately, it had a very sad ending
as Codys owner, Steve, died suddenly of a heart attack in early January.
We all lost a great friend and hunting companion; we will miss him. |

Steve and Pepper (2004) |
Check out the group's other hunting seasons too:
1999, 2000,
2001, 2002,